FY 16-17: Agency Priority Goal

Retirement Services Case Processing

Priority Goal

Retirement Services Case Processing

Reduce Federal retirement case processing time by making comprehensive improvements and moving toward electronic processing of all retirement applications.

In FY 2016, process 90 percent of cases in 60 days or less (as of March 2015, 81.6 percent of cases were processed in 60 days or less).  Support the 90/60 goal by:

  • increasing the percentage of complete cases received from agencies to 90 percent or greater;
  • continuing to develop capabilities to receive electronic retirement applications; and
  • building a court-ordered benefit case reporting mechanism to capture inventory and timeliness of court-ordered cases by the first quarter of FY 2016. Establish baseline data for timeliness by the end of FY 2016.
info Themes:
General Government