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FY 16-17: Agency Priority Goal
Transition to Veterans
Priority Goal
Goal Overview
Problem / Opportunity:
DoD and other critical federal partners are working to ensure that all eligible Service members participate in an effective program of pre-separation planning and education through evidence-based learning. This support is delivered through a new curriculum, Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success) within the DoD Transition Assistance Program (TAP).
There are no current Government Accountability Office (GAO) or Inspector General (IG) audits related to Performance Measures 1 and 2. On June 24, 2015, the DoD IG requested that TVPO provide follow-up on comments made in GAO Report-14-144, Transitioning Veterans: Improved Oversight Needed to Enhance Implementation of Transition Assistance Program (GAO Code 131231). In response to this IG request, the following response was provided: The Interagency TAP Evaluation Strategy was created and subsequently approved by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in May 2014. A written plan describing this strategy was completed in April 2015.
There are no current Government Accountability Office (GAO) or IG audits related to Performance Measure 3 (IDES) or Performance Measure 4 (WII Active Recovery Plans).
Relationship to Strategic Goal and Objective:
This performance goal supports the Department's mission through the following strategies:
1. DoD Agency Strategic Plan (ASP), Goal #3: Strengthen and Enhance the Health and Effectiveness of the Total Workforce; Strategic Objective 3.1 Service members separating from Active Duty are prepared for the transition to civilian life.
2. Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR) Strategic Goal 4: Preserve and Enhance the All-Volunteer Force; Strategic Goal 5: Provide an Agile, Efficient, Comprehensive Enterprise that Responds to the Warfighter and Maintains Public Confidence Strategic Objective 4.1: Provide top-quality physical and psychological care to wounded warriors while reducing growth in overall healthcare costs; Objective 5.6: Provide more effective and efficient Force Readiness Operations Support.
Key Barriers and Challenges:
Securing Transition Assistance Program (TAP) resources for both the DoD and interagency partners to meet statutory and DoD policy requirements. Achieving full accountability of Service members meeting Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) and Congressional Research Service (CRS) compliance, given the variety of systems and data collection methods that must be integrated to verify completion of mandatory pre-separation activities and training. Mission requirements often take priority over transition activities; full integration across the military life cycle requires a cultural shift for both Service members and commanders.
DoD and Veteran’s Affairs (VA) are joint partners in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), and both Departments’ ability to meet IDES’ goals depends on the other’s performance. The IDES process still relies in part on the exchange of paper case files. To increase process efficiency and improve program oversight, DoD is developing a comprehensive electronic case management system that will be interoperable with VA systems.
Mitigation Efforts:
DoD continues to work to identify and resolve the remaining gaps in data collection and transmission of the VOW and CRS compliance rate data to ensure data accuracy and that the DD Forms 2958 are received for all eligible Service members separating from active duty. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality.
DoD is taking steps to accelerate the transition of Wounded, Ill, and Injured Service Members into Veteran status. The Department is incorporating feedback from Service members and quality assurance reviews of disability determination in addition to monitoring disability processing of timeliness to streamline the IDES process. DoD is also collaborating with VA to eliminate duplicate work, and share medical examination and disability ratings to produce faster, more consistent determinations. To this end, DoD established and IDES performance measure, consisting of the timeliness for specific phases, Service member satisfaction, accuracy and consistency of determinations, and compliance with administrative processing requirements. The DoD will actively monitor and track these elements to ensure the performance targets are met.
To ensure transitioning Service members are optimally prepared for transition to civilian life, the DoD has redesigned its Transition Assistance Program (TAP) and instituted Career Readiness Standards (CRS). The redesigned TAP features a revised curriculum known as Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success), which is comprised of both core instructional blocks and individually selected tracks for accessing higher education, for obtaining career technical training, and for entrepreneurship. The Transition GPS curriculum is delivered by the five Military Services in conjunction with our civilian partner agencies [Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Department of Labor (DoL), Small Business Administration (SBA), Department of Education (ED), Office of Personnel Management (OPM)]. CRS, an integral component of the TAP, ensure all Service members are “career ready” prior to separation from active duty by requiring verification that they have been provided appropriate instruction, completed career readiness activities, such as development of an Individual Transition Plan, and, where appropriate, received a warm handover to partner agencies (e.g., to the VA, to provide essential benefits and services post-separation). The Services collect and codify data verifying that a separating Service member has met VOW and CRS compliance using the DD Form 2958, which is submitted to and housed by the DMDC.
Additionally, the DoD is leading a government-wide effort to help Service members receive appropriate credit for their military training through credentials and licenses. In this effort, the DoD is cooperating with other federal agencies, state governments, professional organizations, and affinity groups. Finally, the redesigned TAP integrates transition preparation throughout a Service member’s military career. The DoD has designated training and touch points along the Service member’s career path. This allows the member time and resources to plan their civilian career goals and to plan their civilian career goals and to prepare for a smooth transition from the military.
With regard to the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), DoD continues to work with the VA to find synergies in the IDES process. DoD has temporarily assumed responsibility to download DD 214 forms (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Service) from the Defense Personnel Records Information Retrieval System (DPRIS) and upload them into Virtual VA to assist the VA in completing IDES final benefit determinations. Since December 2012, DoD has provided VA over 17.000 DD 214’s. Additionally, in the area of information technology enhancements, DoD is acquiring a DoD Disability Evaluation System Information Technology (IT) solution, with a targeted Initial Operating Capability in Fiscal Year 2017. This system(s) will leverage existing IT capabilities where appropriate, and include new capabilities to support end-to-end case management, tracking, and reporting. The system will be interoperable with VA systems and allow electronic transfer of IDES case files within the Services and between Departments.
Targeted Efficiencies:
Improving the DoD disability evaluation program enables DoD to identify sooner wounded, ill, or injured Service members who will be able to return to duty, as well as Service members who, due to physical or mental disability, should be separated or discharged.
DoD developed the capability to simulate IDES caseload demand, resource requirements, and the effect of process changes on the disability evaluation system to better analyze and predict the impact of potential resource or operational changes.
The DoD provides Unemployment Compensation (UCX) to unemployed veterans who meet eligibility criteria. Efforts to improve transition assistance may result in long-term cost savings through UCX payments, if they result in a drop in Post 9/11 Veteran unemployment. However, it is important to note that any relationship between pre-separation training and UCX payments is obscured by many other variables. While noteworthy from a contextual perspective, UCX payments cannot be treated as a direct reflection of the effectiveness of the TAP.
Key External Factors Affecting Achievement:
Securing Transition Assistance Program (TAP) resources for both the DoD and interagency partners to meet statutory and DOD policy requirements. DoD and Veteran’s Affairs (VA) are joint partners in the Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES), and both Departments’ ability to meet IDES’ goals depends on the other’s performance.
Progress Update
Some key accomplishments in FY2016 to date include:
- Launched the Higher Education Preparation course (First quarter, FY2016
- Launched the FY 2016 Transition GPS Participant Assessment (First Quarter, FY 2016)
- Coordinated the Individual Transition Plan (ITP) script with the Military Services prior to submitting for final approval. However, a decision was made to modify the ITP; thus, additional modifications to the ITP script will be necessary once the ITP revisions are completed and approved. (First quarter, FY 2016)
- Developed criterion-based financial plan for military to civilian transition (First quarter, FY2016)
- Finalized a formal Strategic Communication plan for FY16-17 for TVPO. (First quarter, FY2016)
- Developed action plan for TVPO to host a three day Lessons Learned Transition Summit in third quarter. (First quarter, FY2016)
- Developed TVPO Private and Public Strategic Plan. (First quarter, FY2016)
- USD(P&R) granted Military Departments authority, on a case-by-case basis, to process Service members through a non-IDES process when processing through the IDES would detrimentally impact on the member or Service concerned; allows Service members to expedite through a DES process to pursue employment/education sooner. (First quarter, FY2016)
- Began DES IT Analysis of Alternative (AoA) to evaluate government/commercial IT systems for acquiring a DES IT solution for the Military Departments. The AoA recommendation will guide DoD in acquiring an IT solution that will improve Military Department efficiency in managing DES cases and providing Service members greater transparency on their DES cases. (First quarter, FY2016)
Q2 Progress Update
IDES Performance Goal
During Q2 FY2016, 67% of Service member cases met the 105-day (Active component) or 125-day (Reserve component) timeliness target for DoD core IDES processes; 91% of survey responses indicated Service members were satisfied with PEBLO customer service; the Military Departments performed at an accuracy and consistency rating of 90% in the adjudication of high-interest disability policy issues; and, MEBs, PEBs, and PEBLOs met 95% of their administrative disability case processing requirements.
The combined average of the timeliness, satisfaction, accuracy and consistency, and administrative case processing components resulted in an overall 86% score for DoD IDES performance, which exceeded the Q2 target (80%). DoD’s goal is to maintain the 80% performance level throughout FY 2016.
Separation VOW Compliance (Active Duty & Reserves)
The performance on this metrics is on target. DoD and DMDC continue to work to resolve any remaining gaps in data collection and transmission to ensure data quality. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality. The eForm, as part of the streamlined enterprise data collection processs, has been developed.
Separation Career Readiness Standards (Active Duty & Reserves)
The performance on this metrics is on target. DoD and DMDC continue to work to resolve any remaining gaps in data collection and transmission to ensure data quality. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality. The eForm, as part of the streamlined enterprise data collection processs, has been developed.
Q3 Progress Update
IDES Performance Goal
During Q3 FY2016, 72% of Service member cases met the 105-day (Active component) or 125-day (Reserve component) timeliness target for DoD core IDES processes; 89% of survey responses indicated Service members were satisfied with PEBLO customer service; the Military Departments performed at an accuracy and consistency rating of 81% in the adjudication of high-interest disability policy issues; and Medical Evaluation Boards (MEBs), Physical Evaluation Boards (PEBs), and Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officers (PEBLOs) met 95% of their administrative disability case processing requirements.
The combined average of the timeliness, satisfaction, accuracy and consistency, and administrative case processing components resulted in an overall 84% score for DoD IDES performance, which exceeded the Q3 target (80%). DoD’s goal is to maintain the 80% performance level throughout FY 2016.
Separation VOW Compliance (Active Duty & Reserves)
The performance on this metric is on target. DoD and DMDC continue to work to resolve any remaining gaps in data collection and transmission to ensure data quality. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality. The eForm, as part of the streamlined enterprise data collection processs, has been developed. The eForm passed the User Acceptance Test in FY16 Q3.
Separation Career Readiness Standards (Active Duty & Reserves)
The performance on this metric is on target. DoD and DMDC continue to work to resolve any remaining gaps in data collection and transmission to ensure data quality. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality. The eForm, as part of the streamlined enterprise data collection processs, has been developed. The eForm passed the User Acceptance Test in FY16 Q3.
Q4 Progress Update
IDES Performance Goal
During Q4 FY2016, 64% of Service member cases met the 105-day (Active component) or 125-day (Reserve component) timeliness target for DoD core IDES processes; 88.7% of survey responses indicated Service members were satisfied with PEBLO customer service; the Military Departments performed at an accuracy and consistency rating of 87% in the adjudication of high-interest disability policy issues; and, MEBs, PEBs, and PEBLOs met 95% of their administrative disability case processing requirements.
The combined average of the timeliness, satisfaction, accuracy and consistency, and administrative case processing components resulted in an overall 84% score for DoD IDES performance, which exceeded the Q4 target (80%). DoD’s goal is to maintain the 80% performance level throughout FY 2016.
Separation VOW Compliance (Active Duty & Reserves)
The performance on this metric is on target. DoD and DMDC continue to work to resolve any remaining gaps in data collection and transmission to ensure data quality. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality. The eForm, as part of the streamlined enterprise data collection processs, has been developed. The eForm passed the User Acceptance Test in FY16 Q3. Operational test was executed and completed; however, interoperability testing is ongoing and will be completed by November 4, 2016. Final requirements are being developed and the new eForm and database fielding date will be November 7, 2016.
Separation Career Readiness Standards (Active Duty & Reserves)
The performance on this metric is on target. DoD and DMDC continue to work to resolve any remaining gaps in data collection and transmission to ensure data quality. In June 2015, OSD P&R Business Council approved a streamlined enterprise data collection process that will mitigate some risks to data quality. The eForm, as part of the streamlined enterprise data collection processs, has been developed. The eForm passed the User Acceptance Test in FY16 Q3. Operational test was executed and completed; however, interoperability testing is ongoing and will be completed by November 4, 2016. Final requirements are being developed and the new eForm and database fielding date will be November 7, 2016.
Next Steps
Milestones planned through the end of FY17:
- Perform operational test of the eForm to test interoperability and validate TAP processes while using the eForm, and determine based upon test results and capabilities developed whether to deploy the eForm and database on 1 October. (FY16 Q4)
- Launch of the eForm and database. (FY17 Q1)
- Complete the Interagency TAP Evaluation Plan for FY 2017-2018. (FY17 Q1)
- Complete a technical review of the Transition GPS curriculum for any needed changes for CY 2017. (FY17 Q1)
- Complete the revised MOU among the partner agencies (i.e., DoD, VA, DOL, ED, DHS, SBA, and OPM) collaborating on the Transition Assistance Program. (FY17 Q2)
- Launch the revised Transition GPS curriculum. (FY17 Q2)
- Perform operations, maintenance, and sustainment of the eForm. (FY17 Q4)
- Begin a deep dive review of the Transition GPS curriculum for any needed changes for CY 2018. (FY17 Q4)
Q4 Next Steps Update
IDES Performance Goal
- DoD will continue to monitor the Military Departments' implementation of their guidance to process Service members through a non-IDES process. (First quarter FY2017).
- DoD will continue finalizing functional/technical requirements for acquiring a DoD-wide DES IT case management system to improve the oversight and timeliness of the DES process. (First quarter FY2017)
- The Department will publish the FY2016 Service member satisfaction report, addressing IDES process participants' satisfaction across each of the Military Departments. (First quarter FY2017).
- DoD will continue to pursue DES quality assurance, program-driven continuous policy/process improvement in order to increase accuracy and consistency. (First quarter FY2017
Separation VOW Compliance and Separation Career Readiness Standards (Active Duty & Reserves)
- Launch of the eForm and database. (FY17 Q1)
- Complete the Interagency TAP Evaluation Plan for FY 2017-2018. (FY17 Q1)
- Complete a technical review of the Transition GPS curriculum for any needed changes for CY 2017. (FY17 Q1)
- Complete the revised MOU among the partner agencies (i.e., DoD, VA, DOL, ED, DHS, SBA, and OPM) collaborating on the Transition Assistance Program. (FY17 Q2)
- Launch the revised Transition GPS curriculum. (FY17 Q2)
- Perform operations, maintenance, and sustainment of the eForm. (FY17 Q4)
- Begin a deep dive review of the Transition GPS curriculum for any needed changes for CY 2018. (FY17 Q4)
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Performance Indicators
Percent of Service members who meet the DoD Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) performance goals.
Verified percent of known eligible active duty Service members who separated and met Career Readiness Standards or received a warm handover to appropriate partner agencies prior to their separation from active duty.
Verified percent of known eligible reserve component Service members who separated and met Career Readiness Standards or received a warm handover to appropriate partner agencies prior to their separation from active duty.
Verified percent of known eligible active duty Service members who have separated and attended (a) pre-separation counseling, (b) a Department of Labor employment workshop, and (c) Veterans Affairs Benefits briefings prior to their separation.
Verified percent of known eligible reserve component Service members who have separated and attended (a) pre-separation counseling, (b) a Department of Labor employment workshop, and (c) Veterans Affairs Benefits briefings prior to their separation.
Contributing Programs & Other Factors
- Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Initiative
- Transition Assistance Program (TAP), which includes the Transition GPS (Goals, Plans, Success) curriculum.
- Unemployed Compensation (UCX) initiative for unemployed veterans who meet eligibility criteria.
- Disability Evaluation System Information Technology Solution initiative to leverage existing IT capabilities where appropriate, and include new capabilities to support end-to-end case management, tracking, reporting, and electronic IDES case file transfer.
1) 10 U.S.C. CH. 58 as a result of the 2011 “VOW To Hire Heroes Act.”
2) Title 10, U.S. Code, Chapter 61 (Retirement or Separation for Physical Disability)
3) Public Law 110-181, National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2008, Section 1614 – “Transition of Recovering Service Members from Care and Treatment through the Department of Defense to Care, Treatment, and Rehabilitation through the Department of Veterans Affairs” – pr
4) Public Law 12-239, NDAA FY 2013, Section 524 – “Quality Review of MEBs, PEBs, and PEBLOs” – e
5) NDAA 2008, NDAA 2013,
6) DoD Instruction 1300.24, “Recovery Coordination Program (RCP),” dated December 9, 2009
7) DoD Instruction 1332.18, “Disability Evaluation System”, dated August 5, 2014
Partners (Agency Internal and External):
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel & Readiness (OUSD (P&R)) to include: Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Chief of Staff Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Warrior Care Policy Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Readiness & Force Management, and Transition to Veterans Program Office.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Department of Labor (DoL)
Small Business Administration (SBA)
Department of Education (ED)
Office of Personnel Management (OPM)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
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