FY 16-17: Agency Priority Goal

Soil Health & Sustainability

Priority Goal

Soil Health & Sustainability

USDA will improve the health of our Nation’s soils to make our food, fiber, and energy production systems resilient and sustainable. By September 30, 2017, USDA will continue to implement and monitor progress of modeled science-based practices that improve soil health and sustainability. Nationwide, the soil health practices that are consistent with the Secretary’s Climate Change Mitigation Building Blocks will store (sequester) more than 8.8 million metric tons of carbon per year or more than 32 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e).  

Based on results generated by EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator (http://www.epa.gov/energy/greenhouse-gas-equivalencies-calculator), the carbon sequestration benefits of an additional 32 million metric tons of CO2e annually would offset an estimated: 76 billion miles driven by passenger cars, or 3.6 billion gallons of gasoline consumed, or 4.4 million homes electricity use emissions for one year. Soil health practice implementation will also increase resilience during seasons with extreme weather, in comparison to fields that are not using such practices.


info Themes:
Energy Natural Resources and Environment Agriculture General Science, Space, and Technology Community and Regional Development