- Home
- Agencies
- Department of Agriculture
- Department of Housing and Urban Development
- General Services Administration
- Department of Commerce
- Department of the Interior
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- Department of Defense
- Department of Justice
- National Science Foundation
- Department of Education
- Department of Labor
- Office of Personnel Management
- Department of Energy
- Department of State
- Small Business Administration
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Department of Transportation
- Social Security Administration
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of the Treasury
- U.S. Agency for International Development
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Goals
- Initiatives
- Programs
API Information
Application Programming Interface (API)
Performance data can be retrieved in XML and CSV format. Select on an option below to download the data.
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/agency/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/agency/csv
- agency
- id
- XML: http://www.performance.gov/api/agency/xml?agency=DHS&id=550
- CSV: http://www.performance.gov/api/agency/csv?agency=DHS&id=550
XML return values for each agency.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- agency_name
- mission_statement
- agency_overview
- agency_head_title
- agency_head_name
- agency_plans_reports_page_url
- agency_plans_reports_page_url_usaid
- agency_strategic_plan_url
- agency_strategic_plan_url_usaid
- agency_website_url
- agency_website_url_usaid
- annual_performance_plan_url
- annual_performance_plan_url_usaid
- annual_performance_report_url
- annual_performance_report_url_usaid
- stakeholder_engagement
CSV return columns for each agency.
- AgencyID
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- AgencyName
- AgencyMissionStatement
- AgencyOverview
- AgencyHeadTitle
- AgencyHeadName
- AgencyPlanReportsUrl
- AgencyPlanReportsUrlUSAID
- AgencyStrategicPlanURL
- AgencyStrategicPlanURLUSAID
- AgencyWebsiteUrl
- AgencyWebsiteUrlUSAID
- AgencyPerformancePlanURL
- AgencyPerformancePlanURLUSAID
- AgencyPerformanceReportURL
- AgencyPerformanceReportURLUSAID
- AgencyStakeholderEngagement
Strategic Goal
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-goal/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-goal/csv
- agency
- id
- XML: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-goal/xml?agency=DHS&id=550
- CSV: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-goal/csv?agency=DHS&id=550
XML return values for each strategic goal.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- strategic_goal_header
- strategic_goal_overview
- strategic_goal_statement
- strategic_goal_sequence
- themes
- agency_priority_goals (Below information is provided for each APG)
- id
- apg_header
- apg_overview
- apg_statement
- apg_sequence
- next_steps
- themes
- strategies
- goal_leader_name
- goal_leader_title
- goal_leader_org
- contributing_programs_and_other_factors
- strategic_objectives (Below information is provided for each Objective)
- id
- objective_header
- objective_sequence
- themes
- objective_statement
- objective_overview
- lead_office
CSV return columns for each strategic goal. Strategic goal information will be repeated for each agency priority goal or strategic objective record.
- StrategicGoalID
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- StrategicGoalHeader
- StrategicGoalOverview
- StrategicGoalStatement
- StrategicGoalSequence
- StrategicGoalTheme
- AgencyPriorityGoalID
- AgencyPriorityGoalHeader
- AgencyPriorityGoalOverview
- AgencyPriorityGoalStatement
- AgencyPriorityGoalSequence
- AgencyPriorityGoalNextSteps
- AgencyPriorityGoalTheme
- AgencyPriorityGoalStrategies
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderName
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderTitle
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderOrg
- StrategicObjectiveID
- StrategicObjectiveHeader
- StrategicObjectiveSequence
- StrategicObjectiveTheme
- StrategicObjectiveStatement
- StrategicObjectiveOverview
- StrategicObjectiveLeaderOffice
Strategic Objective
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-objective/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-objective/csv
- agency
- id
- XML: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-objective/xml?agency=DHS&id=550
- CSV: http://www.performance.gov/api/strategic-objective/csv?agency=DHS&id=550
XML return values for each Strategic Objective.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- objective_header
- objective_sequence
- themes
- objective_statement
- objective_overview
- lead_office
- agency_priority_goals (Below information is provided for each APG)
- id
- apg_header
- apg_overview
- apg_statement
- apg_sequence
- next_steps
- themes
- strategies
- goal_leader_name
- goal_leader_title
- goal_leader_org
- contributing_programs_and_other_factors
CSV return columns for each strategic objective. Strategic objective information will be repeated for each agency priority goal record.
- StrategicObjectiveID
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- StrategicObjectiveHeader
- StrategicObjectiveSequence
- StrategicObjectiveTheme
- StrategicObjectiveStatement
- StrategicObjectiveOverview
- StrategicObjectiveLeaderOffice
- AgencyPriorityGoalID
- AgencyPriorityGoalHeader
- AgencyPriorityGoalOverview
- AgencyPriorityGoalStatement
- AgencyPriorityGoalSequence
- AgencyPriorityGoalNextSteps
- AgencyPriorityGoalTheme
- AgencyPriorityGoalStrategies
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderName
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderTitle
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderOrg
Agency Priority Goal
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/priority-goal/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/priority-goal/csv
- agency
- id
- XML: http://www.performance.gov/api/priority-goal/xml?agency=DHS&id=550
- CSV: http://www.performance.gov/api/priority-goal/csv?agency=DHS&id=550
XML return values for each agency priority goal.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- apg_header
- apg_overview
- apg_statement
- apg_sequence
- next_steps
- themes
- strategies
- goal_leader_name
- goal_leader_title
- goal_leader_org
- contributing_programs_and_other_factors
- performance_indicators(Below information is provided for each Performance Indicator)
- id
- indicator_header
- indicator_statement
- indicator_overview
- sequence_indicator
- indicator_type
- unit_of_measurement
- measurement_aggregation_type
- granular_breakup
- granular_data_url
- calculation_method
- calculation_method_additional_information_url
- timeliness
- information_gap
- measurement_dimension
- direction
- frequency
- data_quality
CSV return columns for each agency priority goal. Agency priority goal information will be repeated for each indicator record.
- AgencyPriorityGoalID
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- AgencyPriorityGoalHeader
- AgencyPriorityGoalOverview
- AgencyPriorityGoalStatement
- AgencyPriorityGoalSequence
- AgencyPriorityGoalNextSteps
- AgencyPriorityGoalTheme
- AgencyPriorityGoalStrategies
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderName
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderTitle
- AgencyPriorityGoalGoalLeaderOrg
- IndicatorID
- IndicatorHeader
- IndicatorStatement
- IndicatorOverview
- IndicatorSequence
- IndicatorType
- IndicatorUnitOfMeasurement
- IndicatorMeasurementAggregationType
- IndicatorGranularBreakup
- IndicatorGranularDataUrl
- IndicatorCalculationMethod
- IndicatorCalculationMethodUrl
- IndicatorTimeliness
- IndicatorInformationGap
- IndicatorMeasurementDimension
- IndicatorDirection
- IndicatorFrequency
- IndicatorDataQuality
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/performance-indicator/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/performance-indicator/csv
- agency
- id
- XML: http://www.performance.gov/api/performance-indicator/xml?agency=DHS&id=550
- CSV: http://www.performance.gov/api/performance-indicator/csv?agency=DHS&id=550
XML return values for each indicator.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- indicator_header
- indicator_statement
- indicator_overview
- sequence_indicator
- indicator_type
- unit_of_measurement
- measurement_aggregation_type
- granular_breakup
- granular_data_url
- calculation_method
- calculation_method_additional_information_url
- timeliness
- information_gap
- measurement_dimension
- direction
- frequency
- data_quality
- indicator_instances(Below information is provided for each Indicator Instance)
- id
- reporting_period
- actual_value
- explanation_of_actual
- target_value
CSV return columns for each performance indicator. Indicator information will be repeated for each indicator instance record.
- IndicatorID
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- IndicatorHeader
- IndicatorStatement
- IndicatorOverview
- IndicatorSequence
- IndicatorType
- IndicatorUnitOfMeasurement
- IndicatorMeasurementAggregationType
- IndicatorGranularBreakup
- IndicatorGranularDataUrl
- IndicatorCalculationMethod
- IndicatorCalculationMethodUrl
- IndicatorTimeliness
- IndicatorInformationGap
- IndicatorMeasurementDimension
- IndicatorDirection
- IndicatorFrequency
- IndicatorDataQuality
- IndicatorInstanceID
- ReportingPeriod
- ActualValue
- ExplanationofActual
- TargetValue
Real Property - Total Domestic Office and Warehouse Square Feet
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/real-property/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/real-property/csv
- None
XML return values for each Real Property.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- agency
- ftf_baseline_2012
- ftf_total_2013
- ftf_total_2014
- sf_change_fy2012_baseline_to_fy2014
CSV return columns for each Real Property.
- Id
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- Agency
- FTFBaseline2012
- FTFTotal2013
- FTFTotal2014
- SF Change FY2012 Baseline to FY2014
Real Property - Freeze the Footprint Projects
- XML Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/ftf-projects/xml
- CSV Url: http://www.performance.gov/api/ftf-projects/csv
- agency
- XML: http://www.performance.gov/api/ftf-projects/xml?agency=DHS
- CSV: http://www.performance.gov/api/ftf-projects/csv?agency=DHS
XML return values for each Freeze the footprint project.
- id
- agency_code
- agency_acronym
- agency
- project
- project_type
- description
- location_city_state
- start_date_projected
- start_date_actual
- completion_date_projected
- completion_date_actual
- space_reduction_planned_sf
- space_reduction_actual_sf
CSV return columns for each Freeze the footprint project.
- Id
- AgencyCode
- AgencyAcronym
- Agency
- Project
- ProjectType
- Description
- LocationCityState
- StartDateProjected
- StartDateActual
- CompletionDateProjected
- CompletionDateActual
- SpaceReductionPlannedSF
- SpaceReductionActualSF